Frequently Asked Questions
Why SealCoat?
Besides Beautifying Your Property And Adding Some Extra Curb Appeal, SealCoating Protects Your Asphalt From Natural And Unnatural Elements. To List A Few, Oxidation, Water Penetration and Fuel Spillage.
What do you specialize in?
We Offer a Variety of Asphalt Services from Residential and Commercial Asphalt Paving, Basework, Sealcoating, Hot Rubber Crackfilling, Patchwork and more...
What are the rates of our services?
Every Project Is Different And Priced Accordingly Based on Type of Work. For a Free Estimate Contact Us Today! Your Project Might Be More Affordable Than You Think.
Why Should You Choose Us?
We Are Only In Business Because Of You So We Strive For Customer Satisfaction. We Treat Every Job As It Was Our Own, Using Only Premium Products To Give Our Customers The Best End Result Possible.
What are the Benefits of an Asphalt Driveway or Parking Lot?
Asphalt Has Quite A Few Benefits But To List a Few Are:
1. Asphalt is Environmentaly Friendly. Asphalt Is 100% Recyclable and is the most recycled product in America according to WAPA (Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association).
2. Asphalt is Cost Effective
Compared to concrete prices an asphalt driveway or parking lot costs are much more budget friendly.
3. Asphalt Repairs and Maintenance are Much Easier
Because of this Costs of Repairs, Sealcoating and Crackfilling are Less than if they were being performed on Concrete.
4. Winter Benefits
Due to Asphalt Being Darker than Concrete it Attracts Heat Helping To Melt Away Snow and Ice Faster.
Salt also Does Not Harm Asphalt in the way that it would cause Pitting in Concrete which could lead to more expensive repairs.